Monday 11 August 2014

Play tested Musket and Tomahawks, while a enjoyable game I found that they are not the right set for the size of regular units I want to use. I have copies of This very ground and the old Sword and the flame both will be given a spin.
                                                 I do feel it's more than likely going to end up with some form of hybrid set, this project will be side lined for a while as looking for the above mentioned rules I found a copy of Beneath the lily banners (first set). I played a Marlborough on Sunday using Black powder rules but the didn't seem to give the right feel to me. We have used them at the club for a series of Sudan games and they worked well.
                                  Anyway the tables been stripped down from the 28mm F+I and is being set up for 15mm  Marlborough. More on this as I get time to play through the rules and get some photos.